Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Buddy Love or Hate?

I must apologise for my recent hiatus. I have been travelling, and as a result had no Melbourne gossip to report back on, but I am having my sources fill me in very thoroughly and will be blogging much more shortly. Just quickly, former girlfriend of Lance "Buddy" Franklin, Alana De Freitas, has found herself the centre of a smear campaign that has been steadily growing since her time with the Hawks' gun. It has accelerated from catty swipes on a multitude of forums to a number of fake profiles of her popping up on networking sites such as Facebook,, Christiansonline, Hookmeup, etc propositioning men, sending abusive emails, and generally trying to cause trouble in, what appears to be an attempt to tarnish her reputation. Whoever is responsible has even gone so far as to circulate an email with the links to these sites, with the subject line "Buddy's Ex Turns to Internet Dating". Still no word on the culprit, but will keep you posted. Gotta run! xxx